Friday, December 21, 2012

Snappii Can Help SMB owners Get the Mobile Apps They Need Today

Alex Sherman, in his post, "Why the Future of SMB-Focused Applications Is Mobile" shared several valuable ways mobile applications are going to impact how SMB's(Small and Medium Size Business) operate successfully. Mr. Sherman "acknowledged that most current SMB-focused applications are web-based." But he went on to say that "the rising adoption of the smartphone as the de facto dashboard for small business owners will drive a wave of mobile applications customized for them." As New York developer Scott Masciello is quoted as saying,"I probably spend 4 hours a day on my computer, but my smartphone is with me all the time."

Mr. Sherman shares 4 benefits the small business honors finds with a smart phone:

  1. Portability
  2. Ease of use
  3. Familiarity
  4. Affordability
Here are some other statistics from the AT&T Small Business Technology Poll 2012 showing why SMBs are using mobile apps in a growing, more meaningful way.
  1. 85% of small business owners already use smartphones
  2. 74 % of small business owners believe mobile technology is important to their future success
  3. 3 out of 5 small business owners say mobile technology is more effective than other tools
  4. 3 out of 5 small business owners wish mobile technologies were more relevant to their enterprises
Mr. Sherman mentions these specific areas where Mobile Apps can provide value for the Small and Medium Size Business.
  • Payment and transactions
  • Inventory and supply
  • Employee management
  • Scheduling and booking

All of these and so much more are tremendous reasons why the Snappii Platform is the perfect Enterprise Mobile App Development solution for any SMB owner.

  • First, we provide them with a free online visual What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Drag and Drop editor. No need for the expense of a programmer to design your app.
  • Second, we have full Paypal Integration to make it easy to process customer payments through your app. You can capture signatures digitally and use QR codes to create customer coupons to increase business.
  • Third, using the QR (Quality Response) codes with your merchandise, you and your staff can keep an update inventory of all your products, service parts and even on road equipment. You'll know when something needs to be ordered and when materials that are loaded for a job aren't accounted for.
  • Employment inquiries and forms can be filled out through your App, as well as any other HR forms that need to be filled out annually. Business notifications can also be distributed through your app.

Best of all, with The Snappii Platform, you are able to quickly build your app as a team and even test it yourself on your mobile device before even releasing it. The code is already incorporated in the platform, so you can build your app on iOS, Android and HTML5 without paying the tens of thousands of dollars at a minimum it will cost to hire a developer for just one of those platforms.

Once you've built your apps, the Snappii Platform will continue to support you on every app platform you created. This provides easy management of the app. When you need to update something in the app, you just make the change once and they are made across all the platforms simultaneously. In addition, Snappii's development team continues to stay updated on any changes to the app store requirements, so you don't have to. We continue to update each platform in our Snappii Platform, so it always is updated to the latest requirements. You can quickly update your app knowing you can send your update to all of your users and your app will continue to perform to optimal standards for every platform.

Take a look at how straight forward building your own App to your standards is working in the Snappii Platform. Go to and get started today. Our support staff is available via email, online chat or phone. Let us know how we can help you today.


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